Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Garden Visitors in Winter

As it's some while since I contributed to The Bowland Blog I should make a New Year effort and get back to it and note the winter visitors in the garden. The song thrushes are still making daily visits for the berries on the holly tree and lately have begun to come to the Cotoneaster by the house. The nut and seed feeders are busy with a variety of tits and the greedy woodpecker.The pheasants,blackbirds and robins are always grateful for the house food scraps but this morning they had competition from a stoat that came and decided to make off with a full piece of gingerbread It didn't stay to eat with them but it carried it away at great speed, it was sporting its white coat for the winter.The garden goes very quiet when the sparrow hawk visits.
Looking over the hedge and down the field I have been noticing more heron visiting the lake usually just one or two but while pegging washing out last week there were three. This caused a bit of a spat I was surprised to see them having a go at each other. As I am sitting at the computer my eye has been taken with a group of feeding birds and if I'm not mistaken I think we have visiting lapwing.....
Yes we have! I got the binoculars out just to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me.
We now have regular sightings of the barn owl hunting as we drive down the road, it makes a lovely site. The new woodland has become good habitat for it.