Thursday, 1 December 2011

Sparassis crispa - Cauliflower Fungus

After taking a walk a few days ago to collect greenery to make door wreaths for Christmas I decided to check the young trees in the orchard.
Glancing across to the fence I was surprised to see two alien looking shapes. On closer inspection, they were growing out of the ground, the larger of the two being at least a foot across. They were growing from the roots of a very old fir tree. After consulting my Mushroom and Fungi book I found they were Cauliflower fungus that can grow to 5 kg. described as having a pleasant spicy scent and mild taste.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

A Little of What You Fancy Does You Good!!

As I was sitting at the kitchen table eating my breakfast- one Weetabix with a handful of Special K , a Brown Hare was doing the rounds of the garden. Along with some grass its' menu included - pine shoots with some sappy bark, leaves from the Lavetera, holly and thorn finnishing off with a good helping of sorrel. It had eaten its" five a day" before 8 o'clock!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Tewit Tea Walk

As part of the Garstang walking Festival we had a "Tewit Tea Walk" this afternoon. Along with the lapwing with young there were sightings of Curlew, Oyster Catchers and Whimbrel. As the walk passed Jonas Wood the three young Tawny Owls were to be seen peeping out of their nest, one even climbing on top of its' siblings to get a better view of the passing bird watchers.

An unusual sighting for us here was a Pied Flycatcher, a young male calling for a mate.

Our Forest of Bowland Holiday Cottages

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Friday, 8 April 2011

Swallows Return

What a glorious day we all had today! It got off to a lovely start when the first thing I sighted from the bedroom window was a swallow. Often the first one to come back will be on it's own for up to a week before the rest follow, but not this year, there are two already. So it's time to keep the barn door open for the Summer. Within two minutes of propping the door open for them they were straight in and sitting on top of the big light making their fantastic chattering sounds. Lets hope this weather stays a while, it makes everything so enjoyable-even work!

Our Forest of Bowland Holiday Cottages

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Live on "Hare" from Bleasdale.

Our Forest of Bowland Holiday Cottages Hare by Toon Photo

One of our hares has become a star! on the front cover of this months Lancashire Life magazine.

The weather could not have been better today for The Brown Hare Event organised by Wyre Countryside Rangers and Lancashire Wildlife. We also had a visit from the BBC Radio Lancashire with Stephen Lowe live from Bleasdale.

Saw my first Redshank of the season yesterday-lovely!

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Desirable residential accommodation.

Our Forest of Bowland Holiday Cottages

We now have accommodation available for owls. These two desirable (we hope ) residences are now ready for occupation. The first is at the edge of our ten year old woodland on a recycled telegraph pole with views to Beacon Fell. The second is in a mature ash tree near the cottages with views of Parlick. Now the wait begins to see if we have any interest, we may have to be patient!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Planting, laying and surveying.

Our Forest of Bowland Holiday Cottages

The hedge laying that was postponed before Christmas is now coming along very well and all but two of the new fruit trees are now planted. The Brown Hares featured on the television twice last week once on BBC North West and again on News Round with the children from Bleasdale School. Both pieces were to publicise The Lancashire Wildlife project surveying the number of Brown Hare in Lancashire.