Saturday, 6 June 2009

If you go down to the woods today??

While it was dry enough to take the tractor into the woods this week, Robert went to mow the pathways. The blossom on the guelder rose and the patches of dog rose look so pretty and we had a new find for us, some Southern Marsh Orchids.

The Joys of Spring

The Brook House wagtails have been busy again !!
We didn't spot this nest hidden in the planter until they were hatched and the parents were busy feeding them. After that we were careful to tell guests of their whereabouts (they had their very own"Springwatch" viewing into the nest from the bedroom window) After they had flown the nest and the weater had been so good,Robert went to water the planters with the hose pipe and I'm not sure who had the bigger surprise - birds flew in every direction, parent birds very cross at having to round them up and settle them down again!
The concrete block wall next to the planter is home to a family of bluetits, the entrance is a hole that used to be a gate fastening.
The first of the young swallows are now flying from their nest in the bird hide, I was relieved to see them as I walked by on the way to vote as I had been a bit worried that the jackdaws had been spending too much time in that area. It's been a regular sighting recently watching both the oyster catchers and the lapwings mobbing the buzzards. The buzzard was seen eating a waterhen last week.