Monday, 30 March 2009

Guest Sightings

Guests this weekend enjoyed watching the local pair of buzzards circling in the sky and at close range perched on a favourite post in the fence by the lane.
They were very surprised to catch sight of a stoat passing by the cottage still in his white winter coat with the black tipped tail.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Tadpoles and Frogs

Tadpoles are swimming in the shallow pools after all the lovely sunshine last week, still masses of spawn in the cold deeper water.
Had to play "dodge the frogs" driving up the road tonight as they seem to be off "FLASH MOBBING".

Friday, 20 March 2009

Northern wheatear

What a week something fresh everyday. Saw the first toad this afternoon then as we stopped for a drink a northern wheatear arrived, a bat has been out and about this evening -- Wonderful!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

On Monday RSPB field officers from various regions visited Bleasdale Cottages to look at our ongoing Lapwing conservation project. The Lawings and Curlews are calling, more pairs of Redshanks this year.

Bleasdale Cottages